Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh man, first blog!

Hi everyone!!! This is my first blog!  Since its fresh on my mind, I want to talk about my artisan shop on Artfire.  For those of you not familiar with Artfire, I will give you a crash course.  Its a very high rated (per google) artisan showplace featuring individual shops set up and maintained by artisans.  Everything cool is there, from jewelry to handmade sweaters to fake tattoos.  It really is pretty fun to explore all the categories.  There are lots of artisan interaction on there too, other artists are really out there to help you. 

Today I put a post on the Chatterbox page (artisan chat room on Artfire) because I needed help in marketing my artfire page.  My page has had a complete overhaul in hopes of bringing more traffic and well, sales.  I did a bunch of market research, redid numerous photos to make them more eye catching, created a variety of price points, tried to market free shipping and a host of other ideas but to no avail.  I was really pleased when the COO of Marketing replied to my post personally and is trying to help me.  I will post my progress!  More to come!

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